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IS CF for you?
CrossFit is not a sink-or-swim fitness program, and no minimum level of fitness is required.
As gym owners and trainers, we’ve talked about scaling regularly and in many cases we haven’t given enough context for people like you—people who might want to try Carozza fitness for the first time but don't understand the program or are intimidated by workouts that look impossible. We’re here to fix that!
Here’s why you can do CF...
Every workout can be adjusted so every single person can do a version of that workout. This is true whether the person is under 5 or over 100. It’s true whether the person is fit or overweight. It’s true whether the person is healthy or sick. It’s true whether the person is right as rain or dealing with significant injuries.
CF coaches tailor training for individuals by modifying workouts. Trainers might change the movements in the workout, or they might change its length. They might ask an athlete to lift more or less weight. They might ask an athlete to move faster or slower. This process is often referred to as “scaling.”
By adjusting workouts, trainers allow the fittest people and first-timers to train side by side—and both groups become healthier. The best part: The experienced athlete and the new person will bump fists at the end of the workout, each knowing the other just overcame a challenge.
Pull-ups can be modified to challenge athletes at any level. Here is an example:
Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
Some people make this workout even harder by wearing a weighted vest. This is often called “scaling up.”
If you turn on the TV and see someone performing this workout at the CrossFit Games, you might be inclined to say, “I could never do CF.”
It’s correct that you might not be able to do that version of the workout. Many people can’t—even experienced CrossFit athletes. But if we make some adjustments, you’ll be just fine.
Below, we’ll modify Murph for someone who’s never gone to a gym—perhaps someone like you.
Modified Murph
• Walk 100 ft. at a brisk pace
• 10 modified pull-ups (Stand facing something that won’t move, like a signpost. Place your feet about 6 inches from the post, grab the post firmly and use your arms for control as you lean back until your arms are straight. Then pull yourself back to vertical. Rest when you need to.)
• 10 modified push-ups (Stand at arm’s length from a wall, with your hands flat on the wall at shoulder height. Bend your elbows to bring your chest and face to the wall, then push on the wall to go back to vertical. Rest when you need to.)
• 20 modified squats (Sit down in a chair and stand up. Rest when you need to.)
• Walk 100 ft. at a brisk pace
The second workout is still Murph. And it would be challenging for the right person. It could also be modified further. You could walk fewer than or more than 100 ft., and you could choose to use a walker or to jog. You could move your feet closer to or farther from the post or wall. You could lower yourself to a tall bar stool or watch this video and learn how to perform squats without a support. You could do fewer or more reps of each movement. You could rest more or less. And so on.
Think of it like this: The medicine is the same, but the dose is different.
Every single workout in CrossFit can be modified like this, and skilled CrossFit trainers quickly make adjustments for clients in every class. We’ve seen creative trainers adjust workouts for kids, teens, people over 100, people with congenital conditions, people with combat injuries, people with no fitness experience, people over 600 lb., people with chronic diseases—the list goes on.
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